reduction of emission of extraction tail gas 减排
curve of amount of baits 投饵量曲线
emission amount of SO 2 SO2排放量
list of amount of projects 工程量清单
reduction amount of contamination 污染物削减量
effect evaluation of emission reduction 节能效果评价
emission reduction of CO2 CO2减排
emission reduction of GHG 温室气体减排
emission reduction of greenhouse gases 温室气体减排
energy saving and reduction of emission 节能减排
evaluation of emission reduction 减排评估,
method of reduction of dimension 降维法
method of reduction of order 降阶法
reasons of reduction of output 减产原因
Reduction of Emission 减排
simplified method of reduction of order 简化降阶法
a certain number or amount of 若干
a large amount of replacement 大置换
A Short Amount of Time 固体光气; 乳胶体